Photo: Can Temizgezek


Dies Das Nr. 25 with Toshio Kusaba

Talk and performance moderated by Tuncay Acar

 Habibi Kiosk
 19.7.2023
 1 hour
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 19.7.2023
 1 hour
 Free of charge

Munich-based artist, musician and chef Toshio Kusaba comes to “Dies Das” at Habibi Kiosk. In the events he has organized since 2011 in the series “Amanationen” (formerly “Emanationen”), he deals with the topics of the environment and mankind, especially under the aspect of nuclear pollution. The events, which combine concert elements, installation, reading and performance, strive to commemorate the nuclear disaster of Fukushima 2011. With Tuncay Acar he talks about his collaboration with numerous artists* living in and around Munich of various genres, about his work as a chef, and his life here in Munich, about THIS and THAT that is.

Toshio Kusaba, born 1955 Moji/Japan studied fine arts in Japan and Germany. Since 1982 he lives in Munich and works as a painter, singer, actor, performance organizer and cook. Since 2011, he has made a special effort to commemorate the Fukushima nuclear disaster with events in the “Amanations” series at various Munich venues such as Import Export, Flo*, Radioxradar and Köşk, Färberei and Pathostheater. Kusaba has a special connection to nuclear disasters: his birthplace was the actual target of the “Fat Man” atomic bomb, which was dropped on Nagasaki due to weather conditions. In addition, he is preoccupied with the events in Fukushima in 2011 and their aftermath.

Tuncay Acar is a musician, DJ, blogger and cultural activist from Munich. He dedicates the series of talks “Dies Das” to people and topics that usually take place on the fringes of public perception. “Dies Das” sends impulses and creates awareness for the real existing diversity apart from any “Leitkultur”. The talk includes additional formats like radio, lectures, performances, readings, concerts, exhibitions, screenings etc.

HERE you can find Tuncay Acar’s blog!