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Sat, 19.10.
3:30 – 5 pm
Sat, 19.10.
All & TicketsDates

Wo du mich findest

Talk & presentation of the film documentary with Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck

 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 19.10.2024
 1 hour 30 minutes
 5€, 2 for 1 ticket with "Die Kunst des Sterbens"
 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 19.10.2024
 1 hour 30 minutes
 5€, 2 for 1 ticket with "Die Kunst des Sterbens"

Die Dokumentarfilmregisseure Hans Block und Moritz Riesewieck (The Cleaners) präsentieren eine filmische Dokumentation der an den Münchner Kammerspielen entstandenen Rauminstallation „Wo du mich findest“. Ebenso wie ihr aktueller Kinofilm „Eternal you“ kreiste die Arbeit an den Kammerspielen um die Frage, welche Spuren Verstorbene im digitalen Raum hinterlassen und welche Hoffnung auf Unsterblichkeit aus diesen Spuren erwächst.

In cooperation with the 1st Munich Hospice and Palliative Care Week.
Artist Gregor Schneider stands in the round 3D scanner with Barbara Osterwald and Andreas Mielck.
Next date 19.10.
Die Kunst des Sterbens
Gregor Schneider in conversation with Prof. Dr. Claudia Bausewein...
Artist Gregor Schneider stands in the round 3D scanner with Barbara Osterwald and Andreas Mielck.
Next date 19.10.
Ars Moriendi
Digital sculpture in public space by Gregor Schneider
A group of elderly people walk along a white tunnel. On the wall, two younger women write in black paint: "Place: Paris. Name: Anne. Date: 26.7.23"
Next date 19.10. UA English Surtitles
Liebe (Amour)
A Play Adapted from the Film by Michael Haneke
A woman walks through plastic waste. She is holding a parasol that is slightly bent, as if it had been standing in the wind. You can see more garbage in the background.
Next date 18.10. UA English Surtitles
By Elfriede Jelinek
Dates & Tickets
Sat 19.10. 3:30 – 5 pm
Ars Moriendi
Wo du mich findest
  • Therese-Giehse-Halle
  • 19.10.2024
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 5€, 2 for 1 ticket with "Die Kunst des Sterbens"