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Metaverse for the humans
Metaverse for the stars
Metaverse for the richest
& Elon goes to Mars

Metaverse for the cyborgs
Metaverse for the ghosts
Metaverse for the Heavens
& Zuckerberg goes to Hell

Climbing the Mount Zuckerberg
& Crashing all the Gates
Christ is in technology
Sing: Hail the Meta State!

Metaverse for the natives
Metaverse human zoo
Metaverse for the monkeys
& Billyboy down the loo

Metaverse for the living
Metaverse for the dead
Metaverse for the zombies
God is in my head

Climbing the Mount Zuckerberg
& Crashing all the Gates
Christ is in technology
Sing: Hail the Meta State!

Climbing the Mount Zuckerberg
& Crashing all the Gates
Christ is in technology
Sing: Rule the Meta State!