
Premieres 24/25 Currently Plays A-Z Spielzeit 23/24 Spielzeit 22/23 Spielzeit 21/22 Spielzeit 20/21
Next date 25.10. English Surtitles
Die Freiheit einer Frau
Based on the novel by Édouard Louis
Next date 26.9. UA German surtitles
Can we break out of the cycle of violence? • adapted from Sophocles
Next date 24.10. English Surtitles Berliner Theatertreffen 2024
Die Vaterlosen
A deadly comic battle for love and money as a lavish ensemble celebration • A comedy by Anton Chekhov
A woman is wearing a fluffy lion costume. Her left hand is in her hair. Behind her stands a man with his stomach to her back. He is wearing a white collar with frills and a black cap.
Next date 24.9. UA English Surtitles
Als lebten wir in einem barmherzigen Land
Should we show mercy to the merciless? • By A. L. Kennedy
You can see 4 different people. The focus is on a man sitting at a reception desk. Behind him, separated by a wall, is another man. He is in an office that can be seen. In front of him is a table with an open file on it. The man appears to be having a conversation.
Next date 30.10. UA English Surtitles
WoW – Word on Wirecard
A contemporary dystopian financial thriller. • A Play by Anka Herbut
A woman walks through plastic waste. She is holding a parasol that is slightly bent, as if it had been standing in the wind. You can see more garbage in the background.
Next date 18.10. UA English Surtitles
A very personal text about saying goodbye to the earth • By Elfriede Jelinek
Four people are on stage. One man stands in the foreground. He is wearing a suit. Three other people are standing in the background.
Next date 20.10. UA English Surtitles
Grit your teeth and push on through: What doping is required to lead a performance-oriented life? • A Comedy in 3 Acts by Nora...
In the background you can see a torn screen on which an oversized image of a doll's head is projected. A man stands in front of the screen with his back to the viewer and his arms and hands in the air.
Next date 16.10. English Surtitles
Der Sturm / Das Dämmern der Welt
A circular borehole into the madness of war. • By William Shakespeare & Werner Herzog
A scheene Leich
by Gerhard Polt, the Well-Brüder and Ruedi Häusermann
Wer immer hofft, stirbt singend
One hundred percent fun with an intrepid circus show • Repair of a revue • Based on stories and motifs by Alexander Kluge
UA German surtitles Ukrainian Surtitles Neue Zeit, neue Dramatik
Green Corridors / Зелені коридори
Who benefits from the war? • Survey of a War • By Natalka Vorozhbyt
The Fe.Male Trail
A Nick Cave evening by and with Katharina Bach & her band, aka Bitchboy
UA English Surtitles Mülheimer Theatertage 2022
Is inheritance fair? • In 3 acts • By Nora Abdel-Maksoud
UA Berliner Theatertreffen 2023 English Surtitles
How does family work? • A thriller  • By Sivan Ben Yishai, Henrik Ibsen, Gerhild Steinbuch, Ivna Žic 
Wiebke Puls stands behind a bar with her arms crossed in front of her body. André Benndorff, Edmund Telgenkämper, Johanna Eiworth and Edith Saldanha sit in front of it and contort their faces.
English Surtitles
Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein
What happens when political systems disintegrate? • Musical ensemble piece about mothers and daughters • Adapted from the Novel by...
A retro diner setting. In the forefront Christian Löber as Bill Gates. In the background the band.
UA English Surtitles Neue Zeit, neue Dramatik
Very Rich Angels
A hit parade to Mars. • An Intergalactic Musical by Madame Nielsen & Christian Lollike
Johanna Eiworth four times side by side. The increasingly pink and spiky costume turns her into a rose.
Die Möglichkeit des Bösen
Does evil smell of roses? • Close-up on a Secret Pleasure • Based on a short story by Shirley Jackson
Fünf bis sechs Semmeln und eine kalte Wurst
And did it do you any harm? • On Innkeepers’ Daughters and their Mothers • With Texts by Lena Christ and Annette Paulmann