Miseducation Munich #1: Paddy Steer & Masters Of The Universe

A co-production with SKART

A children’s concert

 Premiere: 11.10.2020
 Premiere: 11.10.2020

There are concerts that need to be seen by children and adults together – such as when percussionist Paddy Steer beams into the city disguised as a robot bumblebee. His look alone is unforgettable and extraterrestrial. Yet once the flashing machines surrounding him are turned on, the show really launches into outer space. Not in a high-end spaceship, more like a kind of rattling home-made jalopy. In the world of adults, Paddy Steer is an icon of European ‘outsider music’. But what’s that supposed to mean, an ‘outsider’? Without children present, adults can’t even begin to grasp the essence of his music. On board with Paddy Steer are the pioneers of subversive children’s theatre, the SKART Group’s Masters Of The Universe.

As part of the programme, DJ Booty Carrell will play psychedelic children’s records from all over the world.

Price: €10

Children: €6

Miseducation Munich is a music series that thinks outside the lesson timetable.

  • With Mark Schröppel, Paddy Steer