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Since Hamburg-based sound artist Rosaceae is of the secretive type, and hasn’t publicly announced that she is also (1) rapper Natascha P and (2) artist, author and curator Leyla Yenirce – if she hasn’t told us all this, then we shouldn’t expect her to explain her music to us either.

Her two albums Nadia’s Escape (2019) and Efia (2020) are disturbing, intense sonic landscapes, and proof of her superb talent: Rosaceae can convert issues into sound. Her music speaks. Complex issues are illuminated from various points of view. The trauma of the genocide of Yazidi women by so-called Islamic State is expressed in snatches of voices, tank noises and cries. Harsh, disturbing elements make ghostly appearances, counteracted by sustained harmonies. In this way, her music abolishes time. What she wants to tell us is up to the listener’s ears. And her listening experience cannot be summarized in words.