A red figure holds a black cat with bright yellow eyes in its arms.

Der Meister und Margarita

A guest performance by the Freie Bühne Munich
Director: Martin Kindervater

 Werkraum
 14.10.2023
 25€, under 30 years: 10€
 Werkraum
 14.10.2023
 25€, under 30 years: 10€

With “Der Meister & Margarita”, Freie Bühne München presents a play development based on Bulgakov’s famous satire about an inhuman system in 1930s Russia. Bulgakov’s work is discussed ambivalently, especially today.

The Devil goes to Moscow and throws the Soviet capital into chaos. A construct of lies and double standards is revealed. In the process, unexpected opportunities for emancipation and freedom arise. Directed by Martin Kindervater, the inclusive ensemble creates its very own version of the famous classic about the struggle between good and evil, about the power and powerlessness of art.