The view of the Habibi kiosk from outside, in front of which some people have gathered.

Photo: Gabriela Neeb Photo:


Habibi’s back!

Music, drinks, discourse: relaxed get-together for the start of the season

 Habibi Kiosk
 28.9.2023
 4 hours
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 28.9.2023
 4 hours
 Free of charge

Summer is over and that has exactly one advantage: we’ll all see each other again at the Habibi Kiosk and the Kammerspiele, where a new season begins. Let’s toast it together, s(ch)neck and revive Maximilianstraße! Habibi Booty Carrell will provide good mood and music.

We also recommend the guest performance “La posibilidad de la ternura / Die Möglichkeit von Zärtlichkeit” at the Therese-Giehse-Halle at 19:30.