Europas Grenzen

Talk on violent pushbacks at the Polish-Ukrainian-Belarusian borders with Katarzyna Czarnota and Aleksandra Łoboda, moderated by Anna Wagner

 Habibi Kiosk
 25.11.2023
 approx. 1 hour
 in English with whispered translation via headphones
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 25.11.2023
 approx. 1 hour
 in English with whispered translation via headphones
 Free of charge

Even though public attention has disappeared, the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border continues to this day. While the border with Ukraine remains open, a few kilometres further north on the border with Belarus, refugees experience severe human rights violations. Pushbacks, detentions and other forms of violence are a daily reality there. In addition, there is a policy of double standards based on racism that differentiates between “good” and “bad” refugees.
During the lecture, Katarzyna and Aleksandra will talk about their work at the border, about the increasing numbers of deaths and missing persons. At the same time, they will discuss the connection between European asylum law reform and Polish domestic politics, as the next parliamentary elections will take place in October 2023. They will also talk about the criminalisation of help and solidarity and the targeted policy of intimidating solidarity structures.

Katarzyna Czarnota is a sociologist and activist. She works as a research associate at the Helsinki Foundation For Human Rights and is a co-founder and supporter of the informal coalition Grupa Granica.

Aleksandra Łoboda is an activist on issues of equality and anti-racism. She works at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights as a communications and advocacy specialist.

Anna Wagner campaigns with the Seebrücke München for safe escape routes and civilian sea rescue.

This event takes place as part of the event series "Europe's Borders - On the Normalisation of the State of Emergency". The series is organised by the Bavarian Refugee Council, Bellevue di Monaco, medico international and Seebrücke München.