Was macht die Nacht?

Lesung für Kinder mit dem Autor Dirk Gieselmann
„Pyjamaparty-Situation“: Die Kinder sind eingeladen, in Schlafanzügen zu kommen.

 Habibi Kiosk
 29.1.2024
 approx. 1 hour 30 minutes
 Registration at:
 from 5 years
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 29.1.2024
 approx. 1 hour 30 minutes
 Registration at:
 from 5 years
 Free of charge

“What actually happens when I sleep?” a child asks his father, who is sitting by his bed. “Oh, the most wondrous things,” he replies - and takes his child on a journey through the night, from nine o’clock in the evening - “right now, when you close your eyes” - to six o’clock in the morning - “when the night is almost over”. He tells him about the blue whale that dares to surface in the swimming pool, about statues that play hide-and-seek with each other, about the giant who accidentally steps onto a building site - and gradually reveals to him the magic of the night, which is not just dark, but glows darkly.

Together with the children’s bookstore Kuckuck, the Habibi Kiosk invites children and adults (as companions) to an author’s reading of “Was macht die Nacht”. The setting of the event is a “pyjama party situation”: we make it cozy here with dim lighting and beanbags. The children are invited to come in their pyjamas. During the reading, a picture book movie with illustrations by Stella Dreis is shown. After the reading there will be time for the author to talk to the children and books will be sold and signed.

Please note: For this event, a binding registration is required via the children’s bookshop Kuckuck’s e-mail address:

Admission is of course free, as usual at the Habibi Kiosk.

About the author
Dirk Gieselmann (*1978 in Diepholz) is a German journalist, columnist and author who has been awarded the Henri Nannen Prize and the German Reporter Prize for his writing. Most recently, he published “Atlas der Angst” (Atlas of Fear) in collaboration with photographer Armin Smailovic. The play of the same name was performed at the Thalia Theater Hamburg. Gieselmann lives with his family in Berlin.

About the illustrator
Stella Dreis, born in Bulgaria in 1972, started painting at the age of ten. From 1984 to 1990, she studied with the Bulgarian artist Antoneta Zvetkova and Prof. Popovski. She then turned to fashion and studied at the Fashion Academy in Hamburg, where she received several awards during her studies and won various prizes for young talent. She has been working as an illustrator and painter again since 2002. Stella Dreis lives in Heidelberg.

In cooperation with the children's bookstore Kuckuck.