Photo: Judith Buss



A production of the MK:ollektiv

 Werkraum
 World premiere
 Premiere: 4.5.2024
 5 €
 Werkraum
 World premiere
 Premiere: 4.5.2024
 5 €

Chaos - that is the original state. That’s how everything starts and that’s how it will end. A room that lacks structure will always be characterized by disorder - even when it is tidy. The return to the original state is irrevocable and inevitable. How should people react when the world descends into chaos?
Young up-and-coming artists bring their answers and questions to the stage.

Special thanks to Demjan Duran for his support during the rehearsal process.

  • With Emma Beblo, Theresa Böhm, Lilly Fagner, Anna Falkenhagen, Ella Frey, Benjamin Gohlke, Ju Hock, Emma Hofstetter, Lola Hanak, Charlotte Huber, Elmo Hüller, Luisa Kämmerer, Luis Kirchner, Paula Kraus, Amelie Kreitmeir, Marlene Pastor, Marlene Lechner, Anouk Maier, Ella Nölle, Sofie Pekár, Luise Otto, Noa-Claire Salzmann, David Schmidt, Carlo Schmitt, André Schwarz, Jakob Elija Seeberger, Djami Struck, Zhechang Yuan
  • Concept Charlotte Huber, Jakob Elija Seeberger
  • Text conception Charlotte Huber, Luis Kirchner, Jakob Elija Seeberger
  • Sound concept Jakob Elija Seeberger
  • Make-Up Karen Brehm
  • Soufflage Paula Kraus
  • Artistic production management Elke Bauer
  • Technical production management Nikos Leeb, Daniel Rau
  • Inspection Hanno Nehring
  • Stage manager Weronika Patan
  • Lighting Daniel Pritz
  • Sound Nicholas Brown
  • Signalwoman Franziska Erbe
  • Photos Judith Buss
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