Photo: Yu-Quan Lin



Part of the Festival THINK BIG!

 Werkraum
 5.7. + 6.7.2024
 approx. 1 hour
 14+
 10€
 Werkraum
 5.7. + 6.7.2024
 approx. 1 hour
 14+
 10€

Hip hop dancer Chih Wen Chung moves through an abandoned family home - a haunted house where questions come to life. What happened here? What is home? How is a home created? How does a young generation deal with the inherited conflicts that their parents were unable to resolve? The Taiwanese performer and hip-hop dancer Chih Wen Chung moves through an abandoned family home - a ghost house, a dusty projection screen for images of security, youth, family and conflicts, of historical events and unanswered questions. What happened here? Things and images themselves become protagonists. A live camera penetrates into the smallest areas. Video designer Hanna Linn Ernst creates a complex world full of time jumps and illusions, atmospherically intensified by the music of Patrik Zosso.

A production by Polymer DMT / Fang Yun Lo, in co-production with PACT Zollverein Essen and the Taipei Arts Festival TAF 2018. Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the National Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan NCAF, the Kunststiftung NRW and the City of Essen (Cultural Office). Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETZ Guest Performance Fund for Dance, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, as well as the Ministries of Culture and the Arts of the federal states, and the Bamboo Curtain Studio, New Taipei.
  • Creation Polymer DMT
  • Director Fang Yun Lo
  • Performance Chih Wen Chung, Yi-Jou Chuang
  • Live camera Kati Masami Menze
  • Stage Cheng Ting Chen
  • Videodesign (live act) Hanna Linn Ernst
  • Sound/music (live act) Patrick Zosso
  • Lightdesign Max Rux
  • Video assistance Anna Westphal
  • Dramaturgy André Schallenberg
  • Artistic Administration Sabina Stücker
  • Artistic Administration TW Ya Ting Tsai