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Dates & Tickets 


#1: Munich, moderation and masculinity
Talk & music with Alyssa, Christl Sittenauer & Burak Yılmaz

 Werkraum
 21.9.2024
 1 hour 30 minutes
 10 €, reduced 5 €
 Werkraum
 21.9.2024
 1 hour 30 minutes
 10 €, reduced 5 €

The Werk*raum gets its own late night show. And with Real Talk to boot. We lift the cloak of silence and talk about the topics that are often swept under the carpet. Full speed ahead into the potential for conflict!

In the first edition of Late Night Real Talk, Christl welcomes Burak to Munich. Before you can let the Ruhr area native loose in Munich, you need an introduction to Bavarian masculinity. What makes a Bavarian a Bavarian and a Munich native a Munich native?

Christl Sittenauer is an actress and cabaret artist. With her first cabaret performance, she immediately won the prestigious St. Prosper Cabaret Prize in Erding in 2022, followed by the Franconian Cabaret Prize in 2023. She has been a member of the Munich Lach- und Schießgesellschaft ensemble since 2020 and uses her work to draw attention to political issues on a macro and micro level. Christl Sittenauer has been passionate about improv theater for over 20 years and is part of the ensemble “Bühnenpolka”. She has recently started touring with her new cabaret solo “Frauen sind keine Menschen”.

Musician Alyssa from Frankfurt will also be joining the illustrious group as a guest. Alyssa has been singing and rapping for what feels like her whole life. It started with poems, which then became song lyrics. Her love of 90’s hip hop, funk, soul, jazz & house have influenced and inspired her, which is also reflected in her own music. She says herself: “Music gave me a voice and the opportunity to finally express myself”. Others say: “Alyssa gave music a voice and the opportunity to speak through it”.

Dates & Tickets
Sat 21.9. 7:30 pm
  • Werkraum
  • 21.9.2024
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 10 €, reduced 5 €