Dates & Tickets 

QFFM: Was bedeutet queeres Filmemachen?

A panel discussion with QFFM jury members Oska M. Borcherding, Julia Fuhr Mann and Hamed Mohammadi

 Habibi Kiosk
 16.10.2024
 Free of charge
 Habibi Kiosk
 16.10.2024
 Free of charge

What does queer filmmaking mean?

Since the 1990s and the rise of New Queer Cinema, the term “queer” has represented not just the unconventional but also creativity, exceptional aesthetics, political action, and activism. Recently, right-wing forces have intensified efforts to suppress and regulate these expressions.

So, what does “queer” mean for us today, and how does this significant word manifest in the artistic practice of filmmaking? This involves addressing various facets such as aesthetics, casting choices, production conditions, and thematic content, each contributing to the rich tapestry of queer cinema.

The QFFM jury members will discuss the current (political) situation of queer filmmaking: To what extent do they describe their practice as queer? And where do they see potential to further enable queer filmmaking for our community?

In cooperation with
Dates & Tickets
Wed 16.10. 6 pm
QFFM: Was bedeutet queeres Filmemachen?
  • Habibi Kiosk
  • 16.10.2024
  • Free of charge