Photo: Sven Zellner Photo:


10 Vaterunser

By Christiane Huber
Director: Christiane Huber

 Werkraum
 1 hour
 25 Euro
 Werkraum
 1 hour
 25 Euro

The abduction and enslavement of millions of people and their ruthless exploitation was one of the great crimes of the Nazi regime. Between 1939 and 1945, around 13 million people of foreign nationalities were used as forced labourers throughout the German Reich; one third of them worked in agriculture.

Director Christiane Huber, who was herself born in Dorfen/Burgkirchen and went to school in Burghausen, conducted interviews with farmers in her native region and also spoke to a former forced labourer from Poland. In her research, she uncovers the Nazi murders of forced labourers and their newborn children at the so-called “Foreign Children’s Care Centre” in Burgkirchen. She goes in search of surviving contemporary witnesses. Above all, it is the forgetting and suppressed memories that cover the locations and communities like a veil. With “10 Our Fathers”, Christiane Huber asks to what extent the experiences of violence from that time remain perceptible as an undertone to our present.

The texts are based on conversations with contemporary witnesses from the districts of Altötting and Traunstein, and also from Poland.

Thank you very much to all the witnesses.

In co-production with the Münchner Kammerspiele and funded by the Cultural Department of the State Capital of Munich.
In cooperation with the Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism.
With the kind support of the municipality of Burgkirchen and the Association for Remembrance.
Funded by the town of Burghausen.

  • With Maria Hafner, Anna Maria Sturm, Weronika Zalewska
  • Directed by Christiane Huber
  • Stage Robert Keil
  • Costumes Henriette Müller
  • Soundinstallation Michael Schmid
  • Video & Light Sven Zellner
  • Dramaturge & Text Anna Gschnitzer
  • Surtitles Anna Baumgartner
  • Artistic Production Management Rat & Tat Kulturbüro, Laura Martegani
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