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Leif Randt

Leif Randt, born in Frankfurt am Main in 1983, studied in Giessen, London and Hildesheim. He has previously published the novels “Leuchtspielhaus” (2010) and “Schimmernder Dunst über Coby County” (2011). “Planet Magnon” from 2015 was his third novel. His latest book “Allegro Pastell” (2020) became a bestseller and was nominated for the German Book Prize, among others. Leif Randt has been awarded the Ernst Willner Prize in Klagenfurt, the Nicolas Born Debut Prize and the Düsseldorf Literature Prize and most recently the Mörike Prize of the City of Fellbach (2021) as well as residency scholarships in Japan (2016) and Ireland (2019). He has co-curated the program since 2017. He lives in Berlin and Maintal-Ost.