Sigrid Reinichs
Sigrid Reinichs

Johanna Eiworth

Johanna Eiworth was born in 1972 in Göteborg and grew up in Odenwald. She studied drama at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna from 1996 until 2000. From 1999 to 2006, she was a permanent member of the ensemble at Burgtheater Wien. In 2006 she moved to Theater Freiburg until 2017 when she started at Schauspielhaus Bochum. She has worked with directors such as Andreas Kriegenburg, René Pollesch, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Nicolas Stemann, Sebastian Hartmann, Friederike Heller, Christoph Frick, Marcus Lobbes, Robert Schuster, Sandra Strunz, Heike M. Goetze, Felicitas Brucker and Johanna Wehner. From 2018 to 2020, she was a permanent member of the ensemble in Mannheim. She has been a permanent member of the ensemble at the Münchner Kammerspiele since 2020.

“AmA ohne Maske”

The imagined portrait of an actor / actress of herself: With which scene could it begin? What are groundbreaking career and biographical moments, and what do they say about the dreams and goals of a newly forming ensemble? In the podcast “AmA ohne Maske” the actors and actresses of the Münchner Kammerspiele talk about themselves: the people who will define the theater in the coming years.

Concept & Direction: Wiebke Puls
Sound & & Editing: Johann Jürgen Koch, Martin Sraier

– Johanna Eiworth