Marco Layera

Marco Layera, born in Santiago de Chile, writes for the theater, directs and runs his own company “la re-sentida” (the resentful). His theater company (founded in 2008) strives for bold poetry, the desecration of taboos and attempts to provoke thought through provocation. His works have been shown in more than 30 countries on over 100 international stages and have won several awards. Most recently, the play “Oasis de la impunidad” (Oasis of Impunity), which was produced by the Kammerspiele, was selected by the NY Times as one of the most remarkable plays of 2022. Following the co-production of the play “La posibilidad de la ternura / Die Möglichkeit von Zärtlichkeit” (2023), Marco Layera is now working with the ensemble of the Münchner Kammerspiele for the first time.