Dana Vowinckel wears a light-colored top and her hair in a braid. The picture is in black and white tones.
Heike Steinweg

Dana Vowinckel

Dana Vowinckel was born in Berlin in 1996 and studied linguistics and literature in Berlin, Toulouse and Cambridge. In her debut novel “Gewässer im Ziplock”, the author tells of big and small lies, moments of happiness and disappointment, of affection and pain. Her debut is a captivating family story between Jewish tradition and German “memory theater”, a story full of life and humanity. She was awarded the Deutschlandfunk Prize at the 2021 Ingeborg Bachmann Competition for an excerpt from “Gewässer im Ziplock”. She won first prize in the “L’Chaim: Schreib zum jüdischen Leben in Deutschland!” competition for her story “In my Jewish Bag” and was nominated for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in 2024. Dana Vowinckel lives in Berlin.