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Charlotte Troll

Lena Gorelik

LENA GORELIK, born in 1981 in Saint Petersburg, came to Germany in 1992 with her Russian-Jewish family as a “contingent refugee”. After her training at the German Journalism School in Munich, she completed the elite course “Eastern European Studies”. Lena Gorelik has been working successfully as a writer since 2004. She has been awarded the Bavarian Art Promotion Prize, the Ernst Hoferichter Prize and the Friedrich Hölderlin Prize, among others. The children’s theater play “When the world learned to go backwards” was nominated for the German Children’s Theater Prize 2022 and the Mülheim Theater Days. Lena Gorelik writes essays and reports for DIE ZEIT and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, among others. In 2022 she received a poetry lectureship at the University of Hanover and curated the literature festival in Stuttgart in 2023.
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