Dr. Chen Alon

Dr. Chen Alon is a theatre activist, director, and scholar. Alon heads the „Community Theatre and Artivism (Art & Activism)“ Program in the Theatre Arts Department at Tel-Aviv University. Activism in the complicated reality in Israel/Palestine led him, as a professional actor and director, to search and create new forms of activist theatre with conflicted groups of Palestinians and Israelis, prisoners, drug addicts, homeless people, refugees, asylum seekers, and youth. Alon is the founder of „Holot Theatre“, a company of African asylum seekers and Israeli citizens. Following Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, Alon has developed the ‘Polarized Model of Theatre of the Oppressed’, in the past two decades. Some of Alon’s Artivism is depicted in the documentaries Disturbing the Peace (Stephen Apkon & Andrew Young, 2015), and Between Fences (Avi Mograbi, 2016).