Tareke Brhane

Tareke Brhane was born in Eritrea and fled to Italy at the age of 17. In Lampedusa and southern Italy, he worked as a cultural mediator for Save the Children and Ärzte ohne Grenzen. He now lives in Rome, where he supports asylum seekers and runs the Comitato 3 Ottobre. This non-profit organization was founded after the Lampedusa disaster to establish a day of remembrance to be celebrated every year on 3 October at national and European level. The aim is to honor all those who have lost their lives at sea on their way to Europe – as well as those who risk their lives to save them. On December 12, 2014, Tareke Brhane was awarded the Nobel Peace Summit Medal for Social Activism at the XIV World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in recognition of his efforts to raise awareness of the refugee issue in Italy.