Maryna Klimova

Marina Klimova was born on May 31, 1991. From childhood she was engaged in theatre circles, later entered the Kotlyarevsky Kharkiv National University, as a theater and film actress, where she studied for five years. In the third year of study she entered the Kharkiv Pushkin State Theater. She worked there for three years. Later she moved to Odessa and joined the Ukrainian Academic Music and Drama Theater named after Vasyl Vasylko. She worked there for six years. While working in Odesa, she auditioned for the film “107 Mothers” by Slovak director Peter Kerekes. The film starred for three years in a women’s colony. Later she was casted for Natalka Vorozhbit’s movie “Bad Roads”. In 2020 she moved to Kyiv and began working in the Left Bank Theatre. She currently plays in eight performances in Kyiv and in two performances in Odesa. Plays and sings with various of instruments.