Vlad Troitskyi

Vlad Troitskyi is the founder of the CCA «DAKH», he works as actor, director, producer, scenographer and artistic director. He is creator of the world-music quartet DakhaBrakha, intellectual freak cabaret DakhDaughters, music formation NovaOpera, the social rave band TseSho, as well as creator and president of the Festival of Contemporary Art GOGOLFEST (one of the top 26 European festivals according to EFFA). In 2018 he received the title Officer of French Order of Arts and Letters. Winner of the 2020 Shevchenko Prize for the requiem opera «IYOV». He has realized more than 20 works as actor and more than 60 works as director. As a director he worked in theaters in Hungary, Poland, Switzerland and Germany and realized more than ten productions.