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Human arms

I need human arms
I need human arms
I need right here right now …

Kein Geld keine Macht no fame and for God’s sake no Messiah!
I have been alone in this dream and this work and this verse for so long now
I won’t be no guide and no light and no saint and no sign of revelation
I need you you you you you you you you you
And if there ain’t no you
and if there ain’t no new
then just the old man human old-fashioned human
any old-fashioned human being here
‘cause I need human arms I need human arms I need
right now right here right now right here …

Well Have a new world he said
I can’t use a new world
It can’t hold me

Have a star he said
No I can’t use a star
It can’t hold me

Then for Christ sake, they said
Have a god! they said
No, I can’t have a god
He can’t hold me

I need human arms I need human arms I need right now right here …